The present document is by no means a substitute for a medical advice, nor does it opposes issued recommendations and directives from the Quebec Health and Social Services Ministry, the Institut National de Santé Publique du Québec and Health Canada. Furthermore, anyone residing outside the province of Quebec should abide to guidelines issued by their respective government, state, or country.
The following document is based on available scientific information. Information is in constant evolution. Researchers and scientists have sometimes divergent opinions. Scientific literature concerning COVID-19 are on a fast tract for publication with shortened peer-review processes and simpler statistical analysis in than normally published articles further increasing uncertainty. The best, most solid available evidence is presented. Controversial issues will be addressed to facilitate decisions. Means to decrease risks to a person undergoing treatments as well as to his entourage will also be explained. The content of this information is general and may not apply to certain patients. It should not be an alternative to your doctor’s clinical judgment who has full knowledge of your medical history, the medications you are taking, as well your own state of health. This information is aimed at shedding light in this present public health emerging situation and is offered also in French. By downloading or reading this document, you agree to consult a doctor or a licensed health practitioner for any questions or alterations regarding your treatments.
The distribution of the full text — without addition or modification — is authorized by citing Côté Santé© et Katéri Champagne MD, Obstructive sleep apnea, CPAP, and COVID-19 and other respiratory sleep disorders (sleep-related hypoventilation, sleep-related hypoxemia, central sleep apnea syndrome) treated by positive pressure devices (continuous positive airway pressure-CPAP, automatic positive airway pressure-APAP, bi-level, advanced ventilation). September 14, 2020 ( as a source of reference.
Katéri Champagne, internal and pneumological medical specialist, epidemiologist, Diplomate of the American Board of Sleep Medicine, Quebec, Canada, September 14, 2020.