For the past fifteen years, Côté Santé has evolved as a leading specialist in care related to sleep medicine. The company now has 5 branches to best serve you.    

We are please to offer de following cares: 

•  Treatment of sleep apnea and other sleep related problems. 

• Sleep tests (PSG, PCRS).  

• Sleep medicine (consultation with our team doctor). 

 At Côté Santé we stand out by having our client as the centerpiece in all our decisions, actions and concerns. It is by no means a random circumstance that the company whose mission is to improve sleep related problems has for a corner stone a relationship based on trust, listening and empathy.  

We are very much aware of the challenges in providing professional services to our patients in the present prevailing Covid -19 situation. In response to this unfortunate backlash, a teleconsultation with our clinics is available to maintain the quality of our services at the most advantageous conditions.     

To best serve you, we are pleased to offer an online purchasing service. Please consult our products on COTEBOUTIQUE.CA

We are convinced that our humane approach, experience and competence are beneficial to patients suffering from diagnosed, undiagnosed, or yet unresolved sleep related problems.       

At Côté Santé, innovation and satisfaction go hand in hand. Our goal is to continue offering the same quality of service trough our highly qualified professionals. Our professional staff is supervised by our medical director, Katéri Champagne, internal and pneumological medical specialist, FRCPC, MSC, epidemiologist, Diplomate of the American Board of Sleep Medicine.

CÔTÉ SOMMEIL offers different programs adapted to each patient.  

We propose teleconsultations backed up by easy online appointment with a respiratory therapist or our team doctor.  You may also do a follow-up on your apparatus by Web downloading, do a home cardiorespiratory polygraph, obtain an evaluation of treatment pressure of your apparatus, or yet find a solution to your discomfort with regards to your treatment. Our team is available to ensure nighttime comfort and find a proper treatment for you.