Situation 1: apnea treated by positive pressure
I SUFFER FROM OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA, I am symptoms free from COVID-19 and I am treated by positive pressure.
You are free from symptoms such as new coughing, fever, new shortness of breath, new intense fatigue and are not experiencing a loss of smell suggesting COVID-19.
If you are already treated……Congratulations!
Continue your treatment with your positive pressure.
Using CPAP should be continued. Pay close attention in properly adjusting the mask or replacing it in the event of persistent leaks. After a six-month period, the mask’s silicone loses its flexibility and becomes a breeding ground for bacterias. It is time to get a new one.
A mask that is too tight is not efficient. It can be a cause of discomfort that could lead to increase leakage. Facial masks can also lower the mandible, thus causing a blockage of the airways that we are trying so hard to maintain free.
It is then advisable to maintain a minimal tightness to prevent leakage. If this is not possible, then consider getting another mask, a different size or try to get the best use of the one you already have.
If you have a facial mask or another type of mask, it is preferable to stick to the facial to minimize and manage any present leakage. Côté Santé is open for replacing masks and shall there be another shut down, will continue to address those priorities. Continue to abide by the public health recommendations.
In the event that you have both a positive pressure and an orthesis (oral appliance, not a mouth guard for grinding) that are equally effective at relieving your symptoms, some may argue the orthesis shall be preferred as there is no possible aerosolization of the virus with the latter in the unlikely event that you are harbouring the virus and have no symptom.
In the unlikely event that you would be symptom free but yet infected with the virus, it is unknown whether continuing your CPAP increases significantly the spread of the virus to the household as they are already exposed by eating, laughing, living with you, spending already a large number of hours with you. I believe the extrarisk is low and certainly not worth discontinuing this beneficial therapy for 2 or 3 years or until an effective control of the pandemic is attained. I believe that stopping for such a prolonged period, will be associated with more harm for the individuals, his family, and society through impaired work (absenteeism, presenteeism, accidents, disability), increased motor vehicle accident, more depressed mood and depression, more Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, poorer quality of life with sleepiness and poor energy, poorer quality of sleep, impaired neurocognitive functions, more new high blood pressure, worse high blood pressure control, health care utilization, etc. Finally, among the most severe patients, there could be more cardiovascular complications and even death from untreated sleep apnea syndrome.
We wish you inflammation free and restful nights as well as healthful days
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Katéri Champagne, internal and pneumological medical specialist, epidemiologist, Diplomate of the American Board of Sleep Medicine, Quebec, Canada, september 14 2020, full diffusion allowed.