Situation 3 : osas treated with an oral appliance


I HAVE OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA; I am COVID-19 symptoms free and I’m being treated by a mandibular advancement orthesis.

You are symptoms free of symptoms such as new onset of coughing, fever, new shortness of breath, intense fatigue, and are not experiencing a loss of smell suggesting COVID-19.

If you are already treated……Congratulations!
Continue your treatment with a mandibular advancement orthesis.

If you alternate between the orthesis and a positive pressure treatment, it is best to favor orthesis if equally beneficial and tolerated.

If you most use both simultaneously, continue both treatments together and read Situation 1 for recommendations. Continue to abide by the public health recommendations.

We wish you inflammation free and restful nights as well as healthy days.

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Katéri Champagne, internal and pneumological medical specialist, epidemiologist, Diplomate of the American Board of Sleep Medicine, Quebec, Canada, september 14 2020, full diffusion allowed.