Situation 4 : proven osas but not treated
I SUFFER FROM OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME; I am COVID-19 symptom free but I’m not yet treated!
You are symptom free from a new coughing, fever, new shortness of breath, new intense fatigue, and are not experiencing a loss of smell suggesting COVID-19.
You could be concerned by this situation if you have undergone a surgery for snoring or for obstructive sleep apnea (throat-UPPP, bariatric surgery, maxillo-facial surgery) and that no subsequent test has been performed to show the disappearance of the obstructive sleep apnea especially if you still have symptoms. This situation could also apply to an individual who has recently, or not so long ago, undergone a test for whom positive pressure, orthesis or surgery were demonstrated to be inefficient.
If you already have some positive pressure equipment, you should reattempt therapy. But first, it likely needs to be readjusted and a new mask might be required. If you decide to first use the device as it was adjusted and experience discomfort, it is most likely due its inappropriate adjustments to today’s conditions, or the silicon of the mask has worn off. Contact us to find out if you are eligible for Tandem© protocol titration. Meanwhile, please apply the mitigation measures.
If you already have an orthesis; try using it. Your dentition may have undergone changes and as such, advancement could be greater than the original intention. Dental offices are open. Get in touch with the dentist responsible for having adjusted the orthesis in order to find out if a readjustment could be done and make sure to have the adjustment validated in a medically supervised sleep lab.
Call us if you are not being treated and wish to initiate treatment. We will help navigate the different steps to improve chances of a successful personalized treatment.
Mitigation measures with regards to obstructive sleep apnea are within your reach.
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Katéri Champagne, internal and pneumological medical specialist, epidemiologist, Diplomate of the American Board of Sleep Medicine, Quebec, Canada, september 14 2020, full diffusion allowed.