Situation 5 : osas suspected but not yet proven


I suspect I may suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, but I have yet to be tested. I am COVID-19 symptoms free.

You are symptoms free of such as new coughing, fever, new shortness of breath, new intense fatigue, and are not experiencing a loss of smell suggesting COVID-19.

I am not yet under treatment. May I use a friend’s old device?

In the context of a non established diagnosis, we do NOT recommend using an inadequately disinfected device adjusted for someone else. Prior to treating a patient, the doctor must diagnose the disease in order to justify a treatment. Using an inadequately disinfected device designed for someone else could put you at risk for an infection. Furthermore, it is unlikely that the mask’s adjustment and the pressure would fit you. It is comparable to picking a pair of glasses at random from a huge bin and expect them to be safe for driving….or yet, select a pair of booths at random and expect they would be fit for climbing Everest….If you decide to be treated, you deserve to be well treated and to have the best chance of success.

If you suspect suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, that your present condition exposes you to a greater risk of infection linked to COVID-19, that you have significant apnea symptoms; or yet, someone has noticed frequent interruptions in your respiration, contact Côté Santé. We will collect some data and could then communicate with your doctor to have a prescription. Even in the 1st peak of COVID-19, we remained open, investigated and treated those meeting emergency care criteria while using mitigation measures among the others until we could test and treat everyone.

Continue to abide by the public health recommendations.

We wish you inflammation free and restful nights as well as healthful days.

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Katéri Champagne, internal and pneumological medical specialist, epidemiologist, Diplomate of the American Board of Sleep Medicine, Quebec, Canada, september 14, 2020, full diffusion allowed.